Friday, January 13, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

Wow! So far it's been a quick few days since the first of the year!! Ruben and I both worked New Years Eve, so it was a quiet celebration.  New Years Day brought a wonderful afternoon open house hosted by my good friend Jane.  It was so great to see her, meet her new beau and catch up with great friends, like Tina and her husband Mike.  Such a treat!

 Here is me, Jane and Tina

Here is Jane's beau, Tom, Jane, Tina and her husband Mike! I love these people!

The first week of the year brought gifts from my Momma!  Ruben and I had so much fun opening the lovely gifts she sent. Here's Ruben with his new tennis shoes. Thanks Mom!

The new year has also brought sweet moments like this one. Nikon loves to snuggle with his daddy, and have nap competitions with him. Nikon usually wins.

Besides napping, Ruben has been very busy preparing for his audition with San Antonio Symphony later this month.  Here he is going through the musical excerpts with fellow bassists, Brandon and Max.  They gave great feedback, and offered some suggestions on small fixes. Ruben is sounding so good!

I also think it's cute that Canon is listening with the guys as well. :)

The first Saturday of the year brought a Chicago neighborhood adventure with my best bud, Sarah O.  We met up in the neighborhood Andersonville, and walked around for about 3 hours. We went to different boutiques and shops in the neighborhood. 

This thrift shop was in an old movie theater. You can see the flaking old facade that was once a very cool building.

We also stopped at an awesome Cajun restaurant called Big Jones.  I had a delicious bowl of gumbo and Sarah got some yummy Cajun style pancakes. Delish!

The following Sunday, my friend Tina hosted a Stitch n Bitch knitting afternoon at her new house.  While we knit, Tina's husband was working on some project of his own. Doing what? I don't know exactly, but he looked cute in his protective gear! ;)

Last night, Chicago had it's first big snow storm of the winter season. Not having snow until January is a bit weird for Chicago, but never the less, the dogs enjoyed their romp in it last night.

It's a busy time at the opera house.  We jumped right back into the season on January 2. The Magic Flute is performing, and we started rehearsals for Aida and Showboat as well.  Only 2.5 months left of the season, but there's A LOT to do in that time period, so it's all hands on deck right now. 

I also booked my second wedding for 2012 with Five Grain Events, and I'm super excited!! 
So far, 2012 is looking really promising!

How's it going for you?