Monday, September 14, 2009

Whats a girl to do!

What's a Girl to do....

When her fiance is gone for two weeks....go to a concert about....

THAT'S RIGHT! Sunday night I went to see U2 live in concert at Soldier Field. Friday afternoon, one of my co-workers informed me that there were still tickets available for $30 for the Sunday performance. I debated, cause money is tight right now, but decided to go, cause it's U2, and it's supposed to be there biggest show ever. Luckily the show did not disappoint!!!!

I headed downtown and as soon as I got off the train, I followed the sea of people walking to the concert. :)

A view of Soldier Field while I head to my seat.
My seat was located right at the back of the stage. I was down in the lowest levels of seats, on the 5th row, so I had a great view of the stage and the backstage space. (Which was perfect for me, I love backstage!!)

I got there pretty early, people were slowly coming in.

The opening band was Snow Patrol, I have heard of them before on the radio, but wasn't that familiar with their music. I really enjoyed their show. ;)

After they finished it took the stage crew about an hour to change the set for U2.

This is a blurry picture, but I wanted to show that the follow spot operators were actually sitting on little platforms that were hoisted up in the air. So, each one of those lights has a man sitting behind it, and they sat there through the whole concert, way up high in the air.

What a great seat!!! Here we are waiting for U2 to come out. :)

WHOO HOO! Go U2 U2 U2!

The countdown begins...

Yeah! Here they are!

Bono coming over to sing to the people in the back!

The stadium was completely full. I have never been in a place with so many people at one time. An estimated 55,000 people there!

It was an amazing concert, and the set was awesome! Here is a moment when the screen opened up and created this great funnel.

There was a needle which extended high into the sky.

Here's the band as they leave the stage!
A pretty awesome experience, and I'm so glad that I went!
Getting home was interesting, luckily I live only one stop from the stadium on the train, and had an easy trip home. I was in bed by 12:30am.
What a blast! Hope that Ruben is having fun in Lawton, OK with his Mom!
I'm looking forward to his return, but having a lot of fun on my own. ;)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crafting in Fall

Good bye Summer, hello Fall!
The last two weekends of summer were busy! Last weekend Ruben's (and my soon-to-be) nephew got married in Kansas City, MO. Ruben was the photographer for the event so, we made the 10 hour drive down to be there for the wedding and to be with his family. It was our first time to see Ruben's family since our engagement, and their love and support was over whelming. :)

Here I am at the church, waiting around while Ruben scopes out the event space and takes the pre-wedding photos.

Here is Ruben's brother Tony and his wife Tonda getting ready for the ceremony.

Here Ruben and his nephew Nathaniel talk about the ceremony and possible shots.

Grooms parents walking down the aisle.

The Gonzalez family there to support Nathaniel and his bride Heather.
From the right is niece Hannah, and brother Angel, sister Wanda and her husband John.

Here Nathaniel waits for his bride. :)

Here is Joshua ( Nathaniel's brother) walking a bridesmaid down the aisle.

Giving the bride away.

Heather and Nathaniel Gonzalez!

The wedding was really sweet, and I was so glad to be there to support my new family!

This past weekend, Ruben and I spent time together before he left for Oklahoma to spend 2 weeks with his Mom.
Saturday was busy with BBQ's and fun times with friends and neighbors, but I didn't get any pictures.
Sunday evening, Ruben and I planned a picnic in a park in our neighborhood. Together with the dogs we found a spot on top of a hill with a great view of the Chicago skyline. :)
I made some yummy Italian sausage pasta and garlic bread and we munched while the dogs looked longingly at our food.

Early Monday morning Ruben head out to Oklahoma. He was on the road by 5am, and he made it to his sisters house in Oklahoma City in good time!
While he was gone, I decided to work on a craft project I've been meaning to finish. What better way to spend a Labor Day off, then by crafting?! Grannie would be so proud. ;)

The Project: Use old ties from Ruben's serving days. A long time ago Ruben worked at a restaurant that required a crazy tie. So, before his shift he would go to a thrift store and buy a 50 cent tie. Thus the large collection that he has.
I have decided that I want to use them to create a quilt, or something like that.

Here I am piecing the ties together and trying to decide how I'm going to do this. I realize that I don't want to make the whole blanket out of ties, I need to attach them to some fabric and line it and so forth...low on funds I decide to visit the neighborhood thrift store and found a fabulous 4$ comforter. So my plan is to attach the strips of ties to the comforter.

Canon and Nikon were deciding if they liked my idea. Always a critic.

Through out the day I worked on it and came up with a rainbow type pattern with the ties.
I followed ROY G BIV (the order of the colors in the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.)

I think it will turn out cool, but still have a lot of work to do. My goal is to finish the blanket before Ruben returns from Oklahoma.

Spreading the love, one tie at a time!