Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas and New Year

Ruben and I had a lovely, quiet Christmas this year. We spent Christmas Eve and Day together cooking and eating and exchanging gifts. He gave me a beautiful watch from the 1960's that matched a men's watch that he found for himself. This makes our 3rd set of matching watches. :)

The day after Christmas started my travels out west. I was concerned about the weather and being able to fly out of Chicago. It had be snowing all day Christmas day, and I was worried that they might cancel or delay my flight. However, I was in luck, and my flight left on time from Chicago and flew to St. Louis.

Here is a pic of the runway in Chicago. A dusting of snow on the runway didn't prevent the airplanes from taking off.

I sure was glad to be heading out on my trip!

Three flights later I landed in Midland, TX. I had a full five days planned for my trip, and was really excited about seeing my family and friends.

A big reason for my trip west was the Christening of my God-daughter, Mallory Grace, which was done on December 27th. I needed to get to Abilene, TX the evening of the 26th, so that only left me a couple of hours to hang out with the family before I had to hit the road and drive to Abilene. I did get to have lunch with my Aunt Sandy and cousins Heather, Beth , Callie, her man Blake, baby Robin, and cousin John Robin. It was great to arrive and be able to jump right in with the family again! Unfortunately, Heather had to head back to Boerne, TX to get back to work so that was all the time I got to spend with her. Definitely better than not seeing her at all!

Here I am with my Grandad at Sandy's house. I sure do love that man!

After the 2 1/2 hour drive east, I finally made it to Leslie's parents house in Abilene. I hadn't seen them in a couple of years, and they are such a lovely family. I really enjoy spending time with them!

Here, I meet Mallory for the first time. I was so glad that she was still awake!

She definitely was wiggly. :)

The next morning we got ready and headed to the church for the service and Christening.

I figured that my first act as Godmother, that I would knit Mallory's Christening gown.
I was so worried that it wouldn't fit, and it was a bit small. However, it fit well enough for the event. :)

I think that she looks precious! I also gave her an heirloom gold cross that was Grannies.

Inside the cross says "God loves you, and I do to." So fitting for a Christening I think.

The service was so perfect! It was a lesson in carols. Which meant no sermon, but scripture readings followed by hymns. It was a celebration of Jesus and his birth and the life he led, as well as a celebration of Mallory and her life, and the blessings she'll bring. I thought it was so beautiful, and she was such a doll! She sat through the whole service (unlike her 2 year old brother) and smiled at everyone, and was so sweet. I think she knew that she was being blessed that day! I hope she could feel the love. :)

Here are the Godparents (me and Leslie's' cousin Jeff) , the Reverend Mary, Mason (the two year old) and Leslie and Dakota (the parents.)

Here I am with Leslie's parents, Becky and Jed Crowe. They have known me since I was a freshman in college, and think of me as one of the family. I feel so loved! I'm excited that they are planning to come to my wedding. :)

I love this pic!

The rest of the day we hung out and chatted and just had a wonderful time! I really love this family, they are truly some of my best friends!

However, the next morning I had head out back west to Midland to hang out with my family and get some quality time with them.

Here's my view driving back. Oh west Texas you never change; brown and flat. :)

Unfortunately my great-grandmother, Nana, was in the hospital. I tried to visit her a couple of times while I was in town. Below is a great picture of Nana and I. She's so precious! I hope I am that fabulous in my nineties! :)

I also got to spend some time with my Aunt Janee, cousin Callie and her new baby, Robin. I knit Robin a little baby blanket and got to give it to her during my visit.

Momma and baby are adorable, and the blanket turned out alright too!

My last night in Midland was spent with the Hill family. They took me out to a nice dinner at the country club, and then we just hung out and played games. It was so much fun!

I was excited to meet Caleb's' girlfriend Mackenzie. She was such a sweetie! And super cute too! Way to go Caleb!!!! (By the way, he's becoming a handsome man as well!)
Here's Beth with her baby, Sunny. Super sweet pair! Love her, and so proud at what she is accomplishing in Law School!
My flight didn't leave Midland until 5 pm the evening of the 30th, so I planned on having lunch with my long time buddy, Victoriano Aguirre. I also got to meet his girlfriend, Sammie. It was really great to be able to have lunch and catch up! He hasn't changed much, still as handsome as ever! I'm really glad that he is happy!

Here I am with Sandy and Caleb on the way out to the airport to head to Chicago. Such a wonderful trip. I could feel the love from everyone, and was definitely rejuvenating for the new year!

I arrived made it home that evening around midnight. I was lucky that Ruben was available to drive out to the airport to pick me up!
New Years Eve came the next day, and I just took it easy. I hung out with Ruben in the morning, but by the afternoon Ruben had to head up North for 2 performances he had with the New Philharmonic Symphony. He got home 5 minutes to midnight and we rang in the New Year together.

Wanting to take advantage of the snow, we went sledding down a hill at a park in our neighborhood. It was more like sliding on a cardboard box, and we have decided that we should probably look for a proper sled. It was so much fun, and reminded me of sliding down sand dunes in Monahans, TX, except much colder. :)

(Man, those are some nice mittens!)

The rest of our vacation was relaxing, and we basically spent 3 days hanging out. Below is a nap competition between Ruben and the dogs. Depending on the day, the dogs usually win, but sometimes Ruben is victorious. :)

There are so many things that we are looking forward to in 2010!
Ruben has a few auditions coming up for some music festivals happening during the summer. And of course we are getting really excited about our wedding! I have been doing lots of planning and getting ideas and loving the support and excitement we have been receiving from everyone.
Here's to a positive year!
Many Blessings to ALL my LOVED ONES in the New Year!
Love, Shannon